Monday, April 23, 2012

::Diamond Night 2012::

Yeay! Finally attended another glam dinner other than dinner office.. Haha.. But this one macam ABPBH. Sane sini ada photographer and sana sini jugak lah pakai designer dress. I like.. I like.. Tak banyak picture yang sha snap sebab tak bawak camera. Takpe next time siap hire photographer sendiri lagi and pakai designer dress.. ;)
We left home at 6pm, so cam whoring dlm keta.

Event was held at MIECC, Seri Kembangan. Sebelah The Mines tuh. Nuha worried takut dia terlebih glam, but I said "Ko tunggu dulu, naik atas dulu baru ko tau ko terlebih glam ke tak". ;) I was right. Sha dah suka tengok dress cantik2.. Ada yang amik Rizalman, Razwan Razwill, Jovian Mandagie, Rizman Ruzaini, etc.. I like this, I like that. Mata melilau tengok dress2 yang cantik. Urgh, can't wait pulak for my turn. Nampak Mai. Mai is my leader. Very helpful, sweet and non stop bagi kata-kata semangat. Thanks-thanks, love you babe. Tak sempat jumpa Hanis. Hari tu dia bagi speech on stage and left MIECC awal around 11pm. We all escort her to the stage, just to give our support to her. She's my Idol in this business. I know her since last 3 years. Dia tak takut or tak fikir pun org cakap apa pasal dia. The most important things, dia sangat berani. So I know, I tak salah join team- Hanis Haizi & Maisarah Ibrahim. The most stylo team, I can say..;) Thanks ALLAH, buka kan hati saya untuk mencari income lebih. :) Enjoy the pix.

 *This picture credited to Hanis and her Photog*

Below picas: with Nuha & leader, Mai 
 Masa Diamond Night, Mai and husband naik stage twice, for Car Fund. So BMW F10 on the way. Everyone dreams!!

Food okay, maybe semua org kelaparan kot. But overall okay.  Hanis bg speech after DSM award 1st round. I'll make sure, next Diamond Night, Sha plak naik stage. For the Car Fund of course and DSM / DDM. InsyaAllah. 

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