Now, you have decided to own or start business like direct selling , conventional, franchise even multi level marketing. So, what step you should take ? What are the important things you should think? Let me share few steps I got from It's very useful information.
Tip #1 – How Long Has The Company Been In Business?
- This is the important thing to identify if the business and company stable or not. Let say the company exist for more than 20 years, don't you think it stable enough for you? Like Hai-O Marketing, exist for 20 years already. Still strong until now. One of the reason I choose to start my business due to good and correct plan marketing. If you heard something bad about this company, you are wrong! Maybe it came from someone that misused the company name and the plan itself.
Tip #2 – Is the product or service unique?
- Check the product they sell. If the product maintain for more 5 years, don't you think it's a good product? Like Avon, and pioneer corset Premium Beautiful with FIR. Which is the results is proven true.Premium Beautiful maintain with Hai-O marketing for almost 18 years now. We have provided lifetime warranty which is you can service your corset if it's broken.
Tip #3 – Is There A Need For The Product?
If there is a need, they we can sell it. This is a must, else how to maintain the business if there is no need for the product! Just think of it, for Premium Beautiful corset there is always need in the market. You still can sell it to someone who will looking forward to take care of her beauty and health. It can go global!
Tip #4 – Is The Product Or Service Trendy Or A Fad?
For me, it's a product itself! If you found some business that you can guarantee can sell it for a long time, go ahead. What are you waiting for?
Tip #5 – Can You Generate Immediate Income With The Opportunity?
Of course. Which business can't generate income with the opportunity given? Just sell it and work for it, you will get what you want.
Tip #6 – Is There Leadership In Place That’s Committed To YOUR Success?
You need someone to guide you. Yes, your leader who will provide you coaching. Who will advice you. If you follow the way she/he works, you can be like them! Successful businesswoman!
Tip #7 – Does It Look Like Something That’s FUN?
Yes, it must be fun! Flexible time to do the business. It's online based marketing. You can have a chance to wear nicely and meet other business partners to exchange idea. It's joy working environment! This is something you must look for. Else, you won't be able to join the business you are about to join!
Sharing is caring. Don't wait. Find your opportunity to do something you will love now!
Fadia Ayesha
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