Tuesday, March 11, 2014

::It's been a while, kan?::

Dah bersarang lama blog ni. Sha takde masa lately sebab busy with work. No replacement lagi for Vani since she lefts my team. I need to do it alone. They are so many things to tell. Tapi bila dah depan laptop, kadang2 lupa apa nak taip. 

I just came back to the office after away for almost a week. My Rayhana, warded again at KPJ Kajang for acute bronchitis. This time mcm worst skit sebab masa first time dia amik neb, selang setengah jam to 1 hour wheezing and hard to breathe balik, Wheezing quite bad kata Paed. But Alhamdulillah this time takde pakai branula. Kalau tak suffer tengok dia kene cucuk sane sini. This time warded sbb nak bagi neb for every 3 hours, and buat suction. She's active okay masa warded. Now dok panggil Sha "mama". Bila tanya mana Ibu? Dia buat tak tau. If cakap mana "mama" dia boleh tunjuk Sha plak.But still I call myself Ibu. :D I'm still searching any home remedy yang boleh buatkan baby dr dpt batuk selalu. Sebab ubat batuk or selsema memang tak elok for babies. Hope she will getting better nanti. After discharge, dia mcm tak selesa dengan badan dia. Makes me worried more. Nasib baik this week ada appointment dengan Paed lagi. Can tanya further. 

She is 10 months old now. How time flies! I wish can stop the time.  

What else? Semua orang tau pasal current breaking news about MAS flight MH370. It's heartbreaking when to think about that. It's vanished just like that and can't be found until now. All relatives and friends passenger tu rasa lagi teruk dr apa kita rasa skrang. Only ALLAH knows. I'm hoping for Miracle. Just keep praying for them. For all passengers, pilots, and FAs. Every morning woke up mesti terfikir pasal tuh? Diorang dah balik ke eh? Macam2 speculation pasal benda ni and please lah stop. You are hurting them! All the family members. Dalam banyak2 interview kat TV, I really like this one:

Lets #prayforMH370 #doakanMH370  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mama okay ape. Kenapa tak nak pakai gelaran tu?