Monday, April 9, 2012


 Yours truly after almost 3 weeks pakai PB.

My leader and friend, CDM Maisarah after post deliver

Mentor to everyone, CDM Ana

1 of testimonial given by Beautiful Nara reader

Impressed? Interested? Still ada masa lagi untuk membentuk, mengurus dan sambil tuh menyihatkan badan.
Contact me to ask more about Premium Beautiful Corset. You will get rebate if you buy in April.


Unknown said...

La.. you compare gambar pakai la baju yang sama baru nampak power. You pakai baju berlainan nanti orang pikir tipu. So berapa total berat kurang? :)

.: ayesha.ahmad :. said...

yes2, harus weh.. but tak tipu la weh. ppl realized la. ishh2.. tak berkat tipu. takpe weh, gua pakai the same shirt to the office and snap the pic later.