Thursday, August 18, 2016

::Common sakit for budak: Bronchitis? Acute Bronchitis? Bronchopneumonia? Bronchiolitis? Pneumonia?::

Pernah tanya diri, apa aku makan sampai anak aku selalu sakit eh? Tiap kali diorang sakit selalu aku minta maaf kat diorang. Kalau lah semua diorang rasa tu boleh pindah kat aku. I believe every moms penah ckp mcm ni bila anak tak sihat.

When I said my kids selalu sakit, let me tell you sakit mcmana. Do not jump to conclusion yg ntah apa2. Rayhana my first kid, kerap hospitalized since she was 6 months old acute bronchitis. Sometimes sampai kena pneumonia. When she was 2 weeks old, dia penah kena flu and cough yg teruk. Alhamdulillah, dia kuat. Berjangkit bila org datang visit rumah. Tau2 ada sorang dua tak berapa sihat. Nak buat mcmana, takkan nak letak board depan pintu kan? 2 org Paed jumpa, dua2 from KPMC. Dr Saiful and Dr Afifah. Dua2 sangat okay. Dr Afifah said dia ni puteri lilin, sensitive dgn banyak benda. Tp suggestion dia tuh like baringkan bantak tinggi, kerap letak vicks and jgn tido bawah aircond and kipas tu Alhamdulillah, buat Ray sihat.

Then when she turns 6 months. Exactly on my birthday dia hard to breath. Tak pernah experience baby kecik kene mcm tuh. Brought her to Poliklinik depan KPMC, Doc yg evaluate dia ckp, since she's too young tak boleh biar mcm ni. KPMC got no Dr on call for tonight. Hari tu hari raya haji plak tuh. Then he said, he will give referal letter and suggest me to go KPJ. Sampai KPJ, MO yg check terus ckp kena admit. Sebab dia punya abdominal breathing tuh nampak laju. More than 40 within a minute. Takut oxygen tak sampai otak. Time ni lah bermula nya episode tak sanggup nk tengok anak kene cucuk amik darah. First time kene admit. 

So what treatment I got during her first time? She was on drip. Antibiotic masuk thru IV. Rocephine. Consistently on nebulizer for 6 hours. Physio session once daily. Physio session for below 2, like tepuk percussion 10 min depan and 10 min belakang badan. Then , diorang akan balut and masukkan tiub yg halus for suction segala phlegm dlm hidung or tekak. First time, tengok nangis. Kiranya masa first time tuh, my dad yg tlg handle kan. Masa tu husband not around. My dad really faham. Dia ckp pergi tunggu dlm bilik je. 1. dia takut i mengamuk sebab buat anak I mcm tuh. 2. maybe dia takmo i nangis depan2 orang. Hahhaha.. The same treatment dia dpt all over again for few years.

Now Ray dah 3 years old. She has admitted for 10 times since she was 6 months old.  9 times for acute bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia another 1 for dengue. The worst one, when her Paed diagnosed she kena pneumonia. Boleh nampak berbeza bila dia kene bronchitis. Bronchitis, dia still active sometims. If pneumonia, dia flat. Bila dia kene semua tuh, wheezing dia teruk and dia akan cranky sometimes. 

I starts study this and that. mainly for this respiratory issue and eczema. There are few things to take note if you have kids like this. Rayhana got eczema when she turns 2. Mcm tanda2 asthma. But Doc can't confirm until she besar skit. Teruk jugak eczema dia. So i monitor things yang dia makan. Sabun , syampoo dia makan. Even jenis milk yg dia minum. If bronchitis dia tak dtg, eczema dia keluar.

If you ask me, I rasa malu bila kerap masuk to the same hospital. But, kawan2 I cakap anak sakit jgn malu. Plus, all the nurses knew me well. They are friendly. Even can remember Ray and myself until today. I'm not fussy but very details. I even can remember all the type of treatment they will provide. Even nama ubat. I tell you eh, Dr Razak from KPJ Damansara impressed dgn I bila I explain pasal condition my kids. Ada 1 time, Paed at KPJ Kajang have to refer to Paed Surgeon at KPJ Damansara. Ni for Zaffran. He got intersusseption. I explain from A-Z. Dia kusyuk dengar. I stop dia tanya. Mommy, you work in medical service ke? I was like terkejut. Aik. IT - Medic.. No..No.. He said, you are so detail. Senang nak evaluate. =)

So moms, apa korang kena buat if anak you kerap kena? 


  • If anak kerap kena mcm Ray kena, tengok sekeliling dia mcmana. Ada org sakit. If ada org batuk skit2 and you boleh control takpe. If tak boleh control sampai rasa phlegm dia tu banyak and berbunyi, monitor dia food apa yg trigger. 
    • Food is part of contributor.
    • Ray cannot eat or drink semua makanan sejuk, fruit especially Orange. Chocolate. Benda2 ni trigger batuk dia and cause kahak dia pekat and banyak. I pantang benda ni, Alhamdulillah Ray tak kena for 4 months. Tp ada 1 time, accidentally dia makan, terus kena balik. 
    • Since Ray selalu kene acute bronchitis ni, I beli nebulizer machine kat rumah. Tp before that I ask permission from her Paed. Ampul tu I ask what type of liquid they use at the hospital for nebulizer. For now I use combivent. Bila emergency and dia batuk teruk, I bagi. 
    • I ada standby Ventolin and Flexotide in haler. If tak hospitalized, I use this consistently at certain times. 
    • Fluimucil is the ubat cair kahak which I think safe most. Sebab dia like serbuk ORS. I tak suka bg ubat cair kahak yg macam ubat batuk tuh. 
    • Rayhana is on Singular. Singular is ubat utk kuatkan paru2 dia. 
    • Kalau boleh avoid bagi ubat batuk. Nebulizer or in haler tu dah cover. 
    • Setakat anak batuk2 skit yg teruk, tak payah lah bagi. Case ni apply for those yg batuk teruk sampai phlegm dia boleh dgr kat tekak dr luar.
    • Please..please.. any type of treatment yg u nak apply, always consult with your doctor. 
  • Bila anak batuk yang teruk, monitor abdominal breathing dia. Angkat baju and tengok tepi bahagian tengah perut skit mcmana movement dia. Laju tuh like count 40 secs ke atas within a minute tu consider laju. 
    • You tak boleh dengar wheezing dlm paru. Stethoscope can use to hear that. Benda yg korang dgr tuh, bunyi kahak dia kat bahagian antara bawah tekak ke paru2. 
    • Bila dia batuk teruk and cranky like susah nak tido. Means dia tak bernafas dgn okay. Please jgn buat tak tau, or delay2. Else, oxygen dia tak sampai otak and budak boleh collapse.
    • Terus la pergi emergency or clinic amik nebulizer. Potong queue kalau boleh. Sebab situation mcm ni mmg emergency.
    • Kalau nurse tak bagi, marah dia balik. 
Rayhana just discharge last Monday ni. Baru je lagi. She admitted on Thursday morning. Saturday, tiba2 dia demam. Tp dia mmg ada mild batuk skit. Since Saturday until Monday, her temperature tinggi sangat. Always 39 and above. So I was pelik. Plus dia sangat tak bermaya. Tak nak makan sgt or minum susu mmg taknak langsung. Tp air suam dia nak. 

So I decided husband to take her to blood test. Platlet jatuh skit 1st Doc ckp. Ask to repeat a test esok to monitor platlet. Tomorrow I test lagi, jatuh lg skit. I was afraid lah jugak. Takut dengue lagi. Sbb dengue ni tak boleh kene banyak kali. This time tested with dengue test. Alhamdulillah -ve dengue. So doc bagi antibiotic since dh hari ke-5.But pagi2 buta on Thursday tuh around 2.45am mcm tuh. Badan dia panas. Temp almost 40c. So I asked my husband to bring her to clinic and ask for refer letter to see her Paed in KPJ. Masa ni dia punya batuk kerap, tp deep. Dia takde kahak. Mcm batuk org kene Tibi tuh. I was like something wrong. My instinct ckp mcm pneumonia je symptom dia. Sebab demam tinggi. Paed dia penah explain. If pakai stethoscope pun, wheezing or crept tak boleh dgr  kalau kahak pekat. Takut batuk deep tu sbb kahak terlalu pekat.Thursday Paed dia admit as she dehydrate too. Bg ubat demam on 9.45am, but at 11.30 still tak turun2. Amik darah, and result darah ada infection. But I still tak puas hati. Sebab twice nebulizer batuk dia susah nak cair. Friday at work, husband said, Doc sent her for X-Ray. Result X-Ray confirm pneumonia. I knew it! Mom instinct selalu betul. Left and right ada. I even boleh baca Xray results and Blood results. But so kesian lah dia sbb dia time terbaring je. No mood. 3 days baru demam dia kebah dkt hospital. Lepas tu baru dia senyum and nak main. Hi lah sayang, sabar skit, k. Maybe masa kecik je awak kerap kena. Ibu doakan awak sentiasa sihat walafiat lepas ni. Ibu selalu doa bila awak sakit, pindahkan lah kat ibu. Biar awak and adik sihat. Ibu takpe. 

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