Sunday, March 15, 2009

::New lalink ::

Handphone is in my wish list. Remember before I told u guys that I'm planning to get Blackberry Bold / LG KT610 / LG KS360?
LG KS360

LG KT610

Blackberry Bold

Finally, I've bought a new phone. My SE Z610 spoiled dy. Haiya.. Actually, still can use lah if I send it to repair.

So here we are.. with QWERTY keyboard jugak. Guess! Which one? Arghh..gedik lah.. Ahahah..

*Nokia E71

Confused! I've compared between these 3 phones and skali dengan IPhone. So, ini lah result nya. So far pakai, ok je lah. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

waa... ni la yg dok snap2 smlm.. heheh... best2.. jgn lupe upload noo..

- ajula bkn nama sbnr -